Indian Head Seated Massage for children, young people and adults with special additional needs
Bespoke seated massage techniques developed by the fabulous Guiliana Wheater that help to improve the wellbeing and learning of young people and adults with Special Educational Needs.
To read a synopsis of my massage therapy research completed in conjunction with Fleetdown Primary School, please click here.
To read more about Giuliana and how she developed her massage techniques, please click here.
Schools interested in providing massage therapy, please click here to see my flyer.
Young people with SEN can often become anxious and stressed in a variety of environments including the classroom, home and new settings. This increased tension can impact on sleep patterns, increase stress and anxiety levels and lead to low self esteem.
SEN Indian Head massage is a bespoke clothed massage which can be performed using hand cream and/or essential oil, depending on the client's individual needs.
It may take time for the client to get used to the massage be it the change in routine, the new style of contact, and the length of time they need to sit. Over time, clients are often able to sit for the entire 30 minute massage sessions.
SEN Indian Head Massage increases 'Happy Hormones' (Oxytocyn, Serotonin, Dopamine and Endorphins) that can:
reduce anxiety through lowering of blood pressure
boost immunity and resilience to stress
increase trust
improve focus and can help your child to manage their stress
aid relaxation and encourage better sleep patterns
reduce aches and pains​
Available in :
In the comfort of my home based therapy room, Otford
All clients aged 16 and under must be accompanied and supervised by an adult during the sessions.
“Leanne was very in tune with the pupils. She enabled them and the staff supporting to feel at ease. She used minimal language and created a calming atmosphere for pupils to feel comfortable with her. Pupils responded very well and we noticed the calming influence continued for the remainder of the day.”
Clare Collett, Assistant Head teacher, Riverside School (Community Special School Ages 4-19)

Quotes from Fleetdown Primary School parents:
“She loved it and found it very calming and wanted to have it all the time. She said it helped her and loved the diffuser that was also used during the session.”
“When he started having the massage therapy he started to sleep longer. He used to wake at 5:30 and always by 6am but he now sleeps through until 6:45 and sometimes 7:00.”
“When he touches people he applies too much pressure but when he showed me the massage he was all soft and gentle. It was lovely.”
“I think it’s a very positive intervention and would be something I think would benefit her from receiving long term.”